II Iberian Mathematical Meeting

Badajoz, October 3-5, 2008


Scientific Program
List of participants
Poster session
Local Map


book of abstracts
ISBN: 978-84-692-3591-1
I. Ojeda, ed.

The second Iberian Mathematical Meeting will be held on October 3-5, 2008, in Badajoz at the Facultad de Ciencias of the Universidad de Extremadura.

This conference aims at bringing together Portuguese and Spanish mathematicians, and is jointly organized by the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM) the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME) and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Extremadura. The first meeting was held in Lisboa, on 2007.

In this second meeting, the main scientific areas will be:

  • Algebra and Algebraic Methods.
  • Functional Analysis.
  • Statistics and Biometry.


Honour Committee:

Sr. D. Guillermo Fernández Vara (Presidente de la Junta de Extremadura)
Sra. Dña. Mª Dolores Aguilar Seco (Vicepresidenta Segunda y Consejera de Economía, Comercio e Innovación de la Junta de Extremadura)
Sr. D. Juan Francisco Duque Carrillo (Rector de la Universidad de Extremadura)
Sr. D. Valentín Cortés Cabanillas (Presidente de la Diputación de Badajoz)
Sr. D. Miguel Celdrán Matute (Alcalde del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Badajoz)
Sra. Dña. Olga Gil Medrano (Presidenta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española)
Sr. D. Nuno Crato (Presidente de la Sociedad Portuguesa de Matemáticas)

Scientific Committee:

Juan Luis Vázquez (Chairman) (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Jorge M.M.G. Almeida (Universidade de Porto)
Amélia Bastos (IST, Lisboa)
Joan Cerdá (Universidad de Barcelona)
Wenceslao González (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Luis Narváez Macarro (Universidad de Sevilla)
Paulo Oliveira (Universidade de Coimbra)

Organizing Committee:

Manuel Molina (Chairman), mmolina@unex.es
María Luisa Soriano (Secretary), lsoriano@unex.es
Ricardo García, rgarcia@unex.es
Ignacio Ojeda, ojedamc@unex.es
José Antonio Oyola, jaoyola@unex.es
Paloma Pérez, paloma@unex.es

Contact Information:

Universidad de Extremadura
Departamento de Matemáticas
Avenida de Elvas s/n
06071 Badajoz
Phone. +34 924 289570
Fax +34 924 272911

e-mail: imm2@unex.es

About Badajoz:

Badajoz is located in the southwest of Spain, near the portuguese border, 220 km from Lisboa, 90 km from Évora, 400 km from Madrid and 215 km from Sevilla. Nowadays, it is a modern town and a lively place for entertaiment and cultural events. The airport is placed 20 minutes by car from the city center.